Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Season Two Episode Nine is Here!

Quentin threatens Mona. Doris confronts the Doctor over Reggie's condition. Rock and Peggy commiserate over their lives. Dick receives news about the DNA test. Reggie goes into therapy and pushed even further over the edge. Someone's lives are endangered by an unknown assailant.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Vote for The Playhouse at We Love Soaps

Once again, we a re in the weekly poll for Indie Soap of the Week at WeLoveSoaps.net Heasd on over and vote for us and write in your favorite actor actress and couple from The Playhouse. Thank you!

We Love Soaps

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Episode Eight is Here!

Peggy has sunk even lower and has she taken Dick with her?
Mona knows Doris' secret and plans to blackmail her for control of the theater.
Someone spills the beans of Doris' secret to a very distraught Rock!
How hard was Reggie hit on the head?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vote for The Playhouse at We Love Soaps

It's that time of week again! Head on over to WeLoveSoaps.net (link below) and vote for us as Indie Soap of the Week. While you're there, write in your fave actor, actress and couple from the show. Last week we came in Number Three with Doris and Reggie as the number two couple and April Audia (Doris) and Tom Walz (Dick) the number four actor and actress. Nice going guys!

Indie Soap of the Week Poll

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Episode Seven has Arrived!

How far will Peggy sink before she hits rock bottom? Will she take Dick with her? Why does Keith seem different? Did he get a haircut while in the hospital?  How hard was Reggie hit on the head? And lucky Quentin! Two women fighting over him...literally! Cat fight!

What will happen next? Tune in next Tuesday for more action!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Season Two Continues....

When we last left Mishawaka, Dick and Peggy were distraught that they might be brother and sister. Keith and Rock connived to keep them apart. Mona and Quentin set their revenge plan against Doris into action. Doris was on pins and needles waiting to hear from her unknown blackmailer. It looks like the end might be near for Keith

And now...